Monday, December 12, 2011

how to get form bangkok airport to kanchanburi

hi everyone,which is the best easiest and cheapest way to get from the airport to kanchanburi,thanks a lot.brian

how to get form bangkok airport to kanchanburi

I took the airport bus to Hualamphong station and got a taxi to the southern bus terminal and then a first class bus to Kan.160B for the airport bus(30mins) 200B for the taxi and 100B for the first class bus (2 hours).Kan. is a nice place you will like it.

how to get form bangkok airport to kanchanburi

Take the bus,it%26#39;s about 2 hours west of BKK.

Thank you very much for your advice,for me the worst part of Thailand is catching buses and taxi%26#39;s,I get quiet stressed just doing that so your advice is simple and to the point.Regards.Brian


Travelling from BKK to hualamphong next week :) is airport bus the easiest way? how much would it be for a taxi?


A taxi from the airport to Hualamphong station can cost 300 to 400b(including express tolls).

The airport bus goes there for 160b.Its a good quick ride.

great thanks, will stick with the bus, save some money for cocktails!

Hi, everybody, how many buses depart from Hualamphong station to Kanchanburi?I have found the information about 4 buses a day.

Many thanks

Buses leave every 20 mins.All classes. first class is the fastest.Buy your ticket at the window.2 hours.If you you get on a bus where you pay a conductor it can take 3 hours and it stops all the time to pick up anyone and everyone!

disregard my above message. I thought you meant the bus from the southern bus terminal.


Thanks for message. Could you clarify a bit? The southern terminal and Hualamphong station are 2 different stations in BKK?Can I get directly from the airport to the southern terminal? (final destination is kanchanburi). Is there a problem to buy first class tickets before departure or not?


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